Tamil Fonts: TAB or TSC

Topic started by Idiappam (@ cache138.156ce.scvmaxonline.com.sg) on Thu May 15 07:15:34 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

In 1999, TAB encoding for bilingual fonts was announce by Tamil Nadu Govt together with TAM (monolingual) fonts. This was adopted immediately by the Singapore Govenment (Ministry of Education). Tamil Softwares that have TAB and/or TAM encodings and TAMil 99 keyboard mappings for softwars will only be used to teach Tamil in Singapore School. All together there are about 500 schools and colleges in Singapore that teach tamil.

But I wonder when the internet community will switch to the TAB front instead of TSCII so that users can post what they already have instead of retyping or converting them.

All Tamil literacy text alreadly in the TSCII or mylai fonts in various sites seem not very convenient for Singapore Schools as well as those in Tamil Nadu (if they use their govt's recommendations).

What is the delay.


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