The tail came after

Topic started by Pavalamani Pragasam (@ on Sun Jun 1 07:39:35 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Once upon a time, there was a cat who discovered that happiness was in his tail. So he began to chase his tail. Round and round, in endless circles. But as fast as he tried to chase his tail, it always seemed to be that elusive few inches ahead of him. Finally, exhausted and frustrated, he stopped. And as he crouched on the ground trying to regain his breath, he looked angrily at his tail one last time, then got up and started walking away. When suddenly he realized that something was following him. It was his tail! He walked a little more and every time he looked behind, there it was! He broke into a run and his tail never let go, following faithfully. And that’s when it dawned on him in a flash! That if he just went on about his life then his tail- and happiness- would follow him wherever he went.
And the cat lived happily ever after.
- A story published in New Sunday Express,June1,2003.


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