adams bridge - Hanumans bridge

Topic started by outsider (@ on Wed Jan 7 09:56:56 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I know NASA have rebutted the claim that this bridge they can see from outer space is a chain of sandy islands yet they themselves have said that they have not seen it from close.

First of all how can a chain of sandy islands be seen from space?

Surely the sand would wash away and leave gaps in the structure!!!!

Secondly if you READ the below report it confirms that the bridge is chain of rocks!!!!


Oh dear NASA, your claims are useless to REBUTT this vital piece of historical information.

16. Satellite Photos of the Bridge Between Ramesvaram and Sri Lanka

When I had visited Ramesvaram several years ago, and more recently in 2002, I was told that you could see the line of rocks that lead to Ramaesvaram to Sri Lanka that had been the bridge that Lord Rama had built for him and his army to go to Lanka in search for Sita. These rocks were said to be just under the surface of the water. Then when these photos were published, I was not surprised, but nonetheless fascinated by the relevancy of what they revealed. The captions of the photos, as found on

Space images taken by NASA (from the NASA Digital Image Collection) reveal the mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The recently discovered bridge, currently named as Adamīs Bridge, is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.

The unique curvature of the bridge and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to a primitive age, about 17,50,000 years ago and the bridge's age is also almost equivalent.

This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in Treta Yuga (more than 17,00,000 years ago).

In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and the Sri Lankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the Supreme Being.

This information may not be of much importance to the archeologists who are interested in exploring the origins of man, but it is sure to open the spiritual gates of the people of the world to have come to know an ancient history linked to the Indian mythology.

A chain of rocks is very different from a chain of sandy islands INNIT!!!!

Anyway this doesn't mean the world are going to look down on Sri Lanka as an island of RAKSHASH's.

That was in the past.

Well done for dismissing ENGLAND from the Cricket pitch!!!!


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