Queen Elizabeth: Was she a victim of Hindu apartheid?

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Mon Jun 10 11:41:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Queen Elizabeth, who visited the Highgate Hill Muruhan temple in London on 6.6.2002 had been “greeted” by the priests. The Queen’s visit is “part of a programme to recognise Britain’s many faiths during her golden jubilee tour of the country”. This is the report appearing in the Times of India on 8.6.2002.

Queen Elizabeth is a Christian. She has been welcomed into the Hindu temple.
When Mr. Vayalar Ravi , a Hindu, was once the home minister of Kerala. He is now an MP of the Congress party got his son married in a Hindu temple in August 2000, the priests of the temple performed the purification ceremony later just because the presence of the Christian wife of Mr. Vayalar Ravi had, according to these priests, defiled the temple. Thus he had proved that Brahmanical fatwa was superior to and outside the purview of the Indian Constitution.

We therefore do not know whether or not the presence of the Christian Queen had been considered by the Brahmin priests of the temple as having polluted the Hindu temple. We do not know whether the Hindu priests performed the purification ceremony after the Queen had left the temple.

If they had not performed, we do not know whether such non-performance was because the reaction of the British would not be as foolish as that of Indian Sudras. Or, maybe, they had performed the ceremony cunningly and secretly later to preserve this convenient “tradition”. Or it may even be that according to them the Hindu tradition is meant to be practised only within the political boundaries of India, as this religious order is really meant for politicking.

But the answers to these questions are very essential to know the extent to which the Hindu clergy is going in perpetuating apartheid in the name of Hinduism.

I shall come back after hearing from the co-fighters for social equality and also from the perpetrators of apartheid in India and their non-Brahmin mercenaries.


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