Pope must visit this forum

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Fri Jun 28 12:24:32 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

His Holiness,
My salutations!

I understand you are very much concerned about the undesirable activities of some of the priests of your Order. The newspapers of the entire world talk of this issue. I also come to know that you are taking very serious action in such cases not only to deny priest-hood to those who committed such crimes but also to ensure that such episodes do not recur.

But I, as one who has been born and brought up in Indian surroundings, do not understand the necessity for your concern and subsequent actions.

Yes, I am also puzzled at the way the Buddhists in Thailand behave. Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist nation with a majority of 64 million people practising Buddhism. But when it came to light that the senior Buddhist monk former Abbott Dhamachayo, who controls the Dhammakaya Temple in the outskirts of Bangkok, was indulging in abominable activities, the government of Thailand took very serious action against him. This in spite of the fact that the Dhammakaya Temple is one of Thailand’s richest temples patronised by many rich and powerful figures. “The media in recent years exposed many monks having sex, drinking alcohol and frequenting karaoke bars.” (AP report quoted in Asian Age 27.4.2002).

As I told you earlier, all this hullabaloo looks strange to me, because I have been born and brought up in Indian settings.

In India, there is one mafia calling himself Sai Baba at Puttabarthi. He is also reportedly indulging himself in all sorts of undesirable activities including murder. But, the government does not take any action against him. The Prime Minister Mr. A.B.Vajpayee had on 12.3.99, “called upon the people to emulate the ideals set by the saint from Puttaparthi” (The Hindu 13.3.1999). “Pointing out that he had not come to inaugurate the Satya Sai International Centre in his capacity as Prime Minister, Mr.Vajpayee said that when he did not hold any post or position of authority, he still sought Bhagwan’s blessings. “I need his blessings today also”, he added”. Such a flattery even from the officiating Prime Minister.
The reason is that this Sai Baba of Puttabarthi keeps the ruling mafia in good humour. So the ruling mafia is not concerned about the sinful activities of the man using religion as a cloak. Nor are the public whose brains are constantly washed by the same mafia. These people make a hue and pounce upon only those who expose the misdeeds of Puttabarthi.

The very same people now make use of the exposure of the misdeeds of the priests of your Order to propagate against Christianity. They refuse to see the truth that Christianity, of the present, under your stewardship, does not tolerate the misdeeds of the priests of the Order and takes action against them to keep the religion really holy.

Because, these atheistic Hindu religio-wheeler-dealers are habituated to use religion for ultra-religious purposes. They are doing it for millennia. They are not bothered about facts. But are concerned only about the opinions. They therefore build opinions not on facts but in spite of facts.

Adi Sankaracharya was preaching hatred. Present Sankaracharya is preaching and practising hatred. But such hate mongers are projected as saints. How could they be saints. But in India, the issue is not whether they are really saints. But whether the subjugated non-Brahmin public believes that they are saints. It is only the make-believe factor that determines everything in this nation under the conspiratorial rule of the Brahmanical oligarchy.

In regard to the policy of hatred adopted by the present Sankaracharya of Kanchi, kindly refer to the Kancheepuram datelined article that appeared in the Newspaper today on line edition August 29, 2001 under the caption “Non-Brahmin students protest discrimination at Kanchi varsity”. What had been published only a tip of the iceberg.
In regard to the policy of hatred re-codified by Adi Sankaracharya the statements of Vivekananda themselves would bear ample testimony.

But, these communal champions are classified as religious leaders here. All the non-Brahmins are coerced to venerate these leaders who work for the welfare of only a particular community. So, the misdeeds of these leaders are protected by the media and the government which are also under the control of the same mafia. As a result, anyone who exposes their misdeeds in such a manner that it is noticed by the public is pounced upon by the members of the said group and their mercenaries.

If only you could learn a thing or two from this mafia, you would not feel so much concerned about the misdeeds of the priests of your Order. There would be no necessity for you to take action against them. Only thing, you must be ready to use the religion not just for religious purposes but also for various nefarious purposes.

You know, the Hindu religious leaders are governed by no law. Not even the religious law laid down by themselves for themselves. Nobody took action against the Kanchi Sankaracharya who, owing to the internal power struggle him and his predecessor, left for Thalaikkaveri leaving the Thandam at Kanchi itself. As per their own rule once the Sankarachary leaves that stick, he should not take it back. He leaves that Order forever. But, all rules are relaxable for them. Because, they know there is nothing sacrosanct in their law. You must know that in this episode the former President of India himself had intervened to settle the dispute between the so-called saints. The law was broken and the issue was hushed up to protect the image of this seat.

At that time the Sankaracharya of Sringeri had been camping at Madurai. He told the pressmen that Kanchi was not a recognised seat. In spite of it, some people set up a mutt and are committing misdeeds which affected the prestige of the other recognised Sankaracharyas. While this interview had found its way in the non-Brahmin press in Tamil Nadu and all the newspapers outside Tamil Nadu, the Hindu, Indian Express and other newspapers of the same mafia religiously censored this version of a religious leader. Such cunningness alone enables this mafia to build up favourable opinion about various persons who are really diabolical in their intentions and activities.

If only your ancestors had followed these Hindu methods, Martin Luther could not have raised his voice against priest hood and mobilised people and broken away with his Protestantism.

If only your ancestors had followed the Hindu methods, the people belonging to the priestly Order in Christianity could have become a separate group among the Christians themselves and could enjoy everything in the world. Priesthood would have become the right of some people only by birth. Others of your religion can be castigated as untouchables by calling them Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras or other similar expressions. If anyone of the three groups questions the actions of the priests, then the other two can be set against them.

If you want to know how the priestly order and its mercenaries should pounce upon the people who expose the diabolical activities of the priests, kindly visit this forum.

You will come to know that Hinduism is not for the welfare of the ‘Hindus’. Its real name is only Brahminism with the sole intention of helping the Brahmins to control the masses.

So one such a visit to this forum will help you to learn the techniques of suppressing your conscience and converting the priestly Order of your religion into a separate group to perpetuate apartheid against the other people of your own religion.

There can thereafter be any number of cases of your priests indulging in any crime. But, you can ensure that they do not get exposed: or even if exposed, the criminals do not get affected materially. Sai babas and Sankaracharyas are warnings to the humanity. But, those who are interested in politics and not humanity, they are examples to be emulated. The choice is yours His Holiness!


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