Today, the IML Day: Celebrate!

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Wed Feb 20 21:40:10 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

February 21st,
the United Nations
International Mother Language Day!
Let us celebrate!!

"Never again", they cry.
"Never again shall we be enslaved."


"Throughout the ages, the Word (Language) has always been regarded as a potent weapon. All societies, all cultures, all races, all religions allocate unparalleled reference to the spoken word. The spoken word is communication's most prominent vehicle, its conveyor of images. When chanted, the word becomes incantation; when rhymed and undulated, it becomes a song; when solemnized, it becomes a prayer; and, when vulgarized, it becomes an offence.Because of its being such a potent weapon, cultures ascribing superiority to themselves usually impose their languages on cultures perceived by them to be inferior. ....

If you want to destroy a people's self -esteem, all you need to do is to destroy their language; make it impossible for them to discuss amongst themselves in a language incomprehensible to their new captors who have become their masters. Thereafter, put your own language into their mouths, and then let them grow up as your caricatures.....

Language has an all- pervading power to manipulate and, depending on whose purpose it is meant to serve, to unleash unmitigated dehumanization on its victim", says Chief Adetola Adeniyi.

History of mankind has seen various perverted segments of people trying to impose their languages on the others with the sinister motive of subjugating the others politically, culturally and thereby economically.Every language has the right to protect and preserve its identity and foremost political status in its traditional homeland. The suppressed classes had put up fitting fights against such oppressors. It was their love for their mother tongue which provided inspiration to and purpose in life for those valiant fighters. World has seldom seen statesmen like Lenin who belonged to the category of dominant group but had steadfastly refused to use that opportunity to impose that language on the others in the name of unity of the nation. Such notions ultimately result in the opposite, he could foresee. The love towards one's mother tongue is essential for the very survival of the concerned people with self-respect. The United Nations has ultimately realised the importance of all the languages and recognised the inalienable right of every man to love and protect his mother language. That is why, it has recognised February 21st as the International Mother Language Day.

The purpose of the I M L Day is:

"We hope that the spirit of the International Mother Language Day will help develop in us a deep respect for not only one's own mother tongue, but for those of others as well; help the expression of all kinds of majority and minority languages and put an end to the dictates of one language over the other."

For the background details regarding the incidents and the persons who conceived of this idea and other further information, please do necessarily visit


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