Tears for Bangladesh Hindus

Topic started by abc (@ minesota.yamato.ibm.com) on Wed Nov 7 10:49:08 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hindus are being raped, chopped to death, exterminated from Bangla- just like Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs.
While Indian Muslims are so much concerned about Afghan Muslims(at the receiving end), no Indian Mulla has condemned his brethren when they are mistreating Bengali and Kashmiri Hindus.
It seems, Muslims really deserve to be detonated to death because for them Islam is teh only concern.
Varsha Bhosle asks some very valid questions which I am sure pseudo-secularists and Mullas/Marxists/congrees will be unable to answer.

There was this joke-
God was explaining to Angels that Nature has to be balanced. While America is rich, it lacks culture. While Africa is endowed with beauty it lacks civilization and so on. One of the angels asked about India- the Land that has beauty, culture everything. God said- look at the Mulla neighbours that India has been given!
Infact this can be extended that while of all planets Earth has been given optimum sunlight, oxygen, water etc in order to balance, he created mullas( the anathema to humankind).


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