NattuRajavu- Accepted as Onam No.1

Topic started by Dhanesh (@ on Thu Aug 26 12:49:02 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello dears,
As per latest reports from all the theaters, NattuRajavu maintains its initial pool and vettom is struggling a little. Most of the people are telling positive openion about NattuRajavu. The films goes to be a big hit from Mohanlal after Balettan. Hope Kazhcha and Sathyam won't make much problems to NattuRajavu in its collection. All the audience are impressed by last scenes of NattuRajavu especially. And..the stunning perfomance of Mohanlal. Mohanlal has to tell a big thanks to TA Shahid again....

Hope you guys had already seen the movie. Any comments? Come and post it here..let's share thoughts


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