"Game Over" FOR MohanLal

Topic started by aceknight (@ on Mon Aug 19 06:47:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Well..well...well.... U see its high time Mohanlal stop acting roles which are to old for him!!!! He is in his mid 40's and its high time he takes supporting roles or stop completely! The game is over for him. He has had his good times right from late 80's!!! The race is over for Mohanlal ......its high time he gracefully gives the baton to young people. Let everybody have a chance. A person can never be the same forever!!!!! Moreover we live in a time where nothing stays permanent!!!!! But I can for sure tell one thing .........no actor at present will ever get to rule the industry for a very long time the way Mohanlal and Mammooty did!!!! People now get bored very easily and they appreciate variety!!!!! As the days go by.... in these modern times the movies and actors are becoming like pure products which peole either accept or refuse and may even lose loyality towards their idol actor if another cool actor comes.
About Dileep ..........u can't say.......when he matures and become 40 maybe he will be able to do "Narasimham" roles the way lal does. No one ever imagined that Lal would ever do roles like this if u see his old movies like "my dear wrong number", "Boeing Boeing","Sanmanasullavarku Samadhanam....etc....etc.....And one more thing just because Lal could entrall his audiences with his effortless comedies, it doesn't mean others can't do!!!!And when they do ....it doesn't mean they are copying him!!!! Lal has not copywrited comedies.Its fair to give chance to everybody.....


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