Topic started by arun nair (@ on Mon Sep 8 19:32:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The story is a fresh treatment of friendship and love which tends to generate a mass appeal. About the individual performances, Pritviraj has given a great performance...he is able to hold the audience with his handsome stature and style of dialogue delivery....a truly gifted actor by all means. Kuchacko's role wasn't all that impressive...he was given a mature role but it seemed too mature at times lacking humor. The surprise packet was Jayasuriya...excellent dialogue delivery and combined with "Noolunda's" humor really made the first half very enjoyable indeed. Meera Jasmine has given a stunning performance alright, but she seems so stereotyped into such a role. Her role seems very author-backed. I mean she has done well in portraying the cute, angel like florist, but most people, especially after seeing Kastoorimaan, would expect her to behave a little more energetic. Bhavana doesn't seem to have anything much to do. Her performance was OK. As far as the music is concerned, the opening song number and the duet are well positioned, but towards the end of the film, you feel that the film would do better with two songs less. The main problem about the film was that the plot couldn't be developed well towards the end. The problem actually starts in the middle of the film, where so many things seem to happen in quick succession, that the audience is never convinced of the gravity of the situation....and towards the end, when it gets predictable, it tends to drag over unnecessary details. The climax really seems so made up...but still on the whole, it's an OK film. I would give it a 6/10 rating.
Please post your ratings too....


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