what happened to imagination

Topic started by Observor (@ on Fri Nov 29 17:00:37 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I was watching Killukam today in tv... I must have watched that particular movie atleast 10 times... but the viewing experince was as plesent and fresh as when it was when i watched it 10yrs back, as a 10yr old kid. The 80 and early 90's had really produced real gold, especailly in humor... Humor in those films where the best avaialble anywhere. Thatz why it has stood the test of time and still continue to make us laugh. And also another thing was that we had the best comedy acting talent possible, with the likes of mohanalal, jagathy, sreenivasan, innocent, odivil, nedumudi, mamukoya and lot of others... One thing i clearly missing out the present movies is the existence of good characters... All the early movies had lot of subtle, intriguing, yet simple characters who collectively contribuite a tinge of humor, for the example the local tea shop owner, vellichapadu etc etc... Now a days, most of the comedy scenes looks heavily fabricated. The influx of the mimicry is distrbingly high so is the level of mediocracy... The shot in killukan when Revathi is reading out the false lottery number to Innocent, while each number is read out the expression in innocent's face varies. such was the finess of acting and direction. One thing (the most importnat) the new directors seems to have forgotten is that film making is a process of story telling... no shot or seqeunce is important than the story it tells, the idea it conveys....

Watching Killukam again, i only can wonder where has all imagination gone?????


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