1961 CONTD...

El Cid

El Cid (1961) is a historical epic film, a romanticized story of the life of the Christian Castilian knight Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, called "El Cid" who in the 11th century fought the North African Almoravides and ultimately contributed to the unification of Spain.
Made by Samuel Bronston Productions in association with Dear Film Production and released in the United States by Allied Artists, the film was directed by Anthony Mann and produced by Samuel Bronston with Jaime Prades and Michal Waszynski as associate producers. The screenplay was by Philip Yordan, Ben Barzman and Fredric M. Frank from a story by Frank. The music score was by Miklós Rózsa, the cinematography by Robert Krasker and the editing by Robert Lawrence.

Muslim General Ben Yusuf (Herbert Lom) of the Almoravid dynasty has summoned all the Emirs of Al-Andalus to North Africa and chastises them for their complacency in dealing with the infidels and reveals his plan for Islamic world domination. Later, while en route to his future bride Doña Jimena (Sophia Loren), Don Rodrigo (Charlton Heston) becomes involved in a battle against a Moorish army. Two of the Emirs, Al-Mu'tamin (Douglas Wilmer) of Zaragosa and Al-Kadir (Frank Thring) of Valencia, are captured, but Rodrigo releases them on condition that they never again attack King Ferdinand of Castile (Ralph Truman). The Emirs proclaim him ‘El Cid’ (the Castillian Spanish pronunciation of the Arabic for Lord: "Al Sidi") and swear allegiance to him. For this act he is accused of treason against the King by Jimena's father, Count Gormaz (Andrew Cruickshank). Rodrigo’s proud father, Don Diego (Michael Hordern), challenges Gormaz, and when Gormaz refuses to take back the challenge or the accusation of treason, Rodrigo kills him in a duel. Jimena swears revenge upon her father’s murderer. Rodrigo then takes up the mantle of the King’s champion in single combat for control of the city of Calahorra, which he wins. Rodrigo is then sent upon a mission to collect tribute from Moorish vassals of the Castillian crown, but Jimena, in league with Count Ordóñez (Raf Vallone), has plotted to have Rodrigo killed. El Cid and his men are ambushed but are saved by Al-Mu'tamin, to whom he had previously showed clemency. Returning home, his reward is the hand of Jimena in marriage. But the marriage is not consummated and she removes herself to a convent.


Charlton Heston as El Cid
Sophia Loren as Doña Jimena
Herbert Lom as Ben Yusuf
Raf Vallone as García Ordóñez
Geneviève Page as Doña Urraca (sister of Alfonso VI)
John Fraser as Alfonso VI (King of Castile)
Douglas Wilmer as Al-Mu'tamin (Emir of Zaragosa)
Frank Thring, as Al-Kadir (Quadir) (Emir of Valencia)
Michael Hordern as Don Diego (father of Rodrigo)
Andrew Cruickshank as Count Gormaz
Gary Raymond as Prince Sancho, the 1st born of King Ferdinand
Ralph Truman as King Ferdinand
Massimo Serato as Fañez (nephew of Rodrigo)
Hurd Hatfield, as Arias
Tullio Carminati as Al-Jarifi
Fausto Tozzi as Dolfos

Directed by Anthony Mann
Produced by Samuel Bronston
Written by Story:
Fredric M. Frank
Philip Yordan

Music by Miklós Rózsa
Cinematography Robert Krasker
Editing by Robert Lawrence
Distributed by Allied Artists (USA)
Rank Organisation (UK)
Dear Film (Italy)
Miramax Films (1993 re-release)
Release date(s) Italy:
October 24, 1961
United States:
December 14, 1961
Running time 184 min.
Country Italy
United States
Language English
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