Endhiran 2.0

2.0 is a super hero movie, where you suspend logic and accept dead people coming back alive.
Although touted as a sci-fi movie, 2.0 is the usual Shankar movie with a strong message. "Earth is not just for humans" is the message here.

Begins in awesome 3D and captivating cinematography but gets draggy in the middle.
It takes Chitthi 2.0 to bring back the action and interest.
Story is between good and evil, but then... what is good, and what is evil...

Mostly it's Rajni's show, although at places you can see the struggle, owing to his age. Akshay is the next prominent character, though not as menacing as in the stills and trailers. Amy is there for decoration.

Pullinangal song appears in the movie while Indhira logatthu comes at the end, like an appendix.

Verdict: Watch in 3D and keep expectations low.