Its running in 2008.

Yes checked the execution planner and Table T take 71% cost.Is it normal to scan entire table even though there will be no matching records based on Table G and I.
select *
FROM FI_Transaction_Inv_Dtl G
INNER JOIN FA_Asset_TagDtl I ON (I.intCmpCd=G.intCmpCd AND I.intAdjId=G.intInvId )
INNER JOIN FA_Asset_TagHdr T ON (T.intCmpCd=I.intCmpCd AND T.intAssetId=I.intAssetId AND T.intAssetTag=I.intAssetTag)
WHERE G.intCmpCd=1 AND G.intGlobalId=3463
AND ABS(dbo.fn_fraction(T.decAcqCostPO*1,1)-T.decAcqCost)<=1