Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam View Post
Men can act like wicked Machiavellians, scheming, unscrupulous sadists who love to see the lady of the house in tears. It is inexplicable but it is a misconstrued sign of mastery, I presume. The Stone Age man who broke the woman’s bones with cudgels lives on in the modern, civilized man, I fear.
it is a false sense of empowerment......i see most men just consider themselves empowered to control the women and house the way they want to........this chauvinism combined with psychic intentions make it deadly dangerous.......personally, seeing a lot of alarming cases of domestic violence nowadays....the perfectly normal college boy goes on to become a psychic husband.....never understand why....

Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam View Post
Charity begins at home is the saying. So does basic training in manners and culture/refinement. Inculcation of values is the proper solution to this disgusting problem. ‘Catch them young’ is what I advise. It is the duty of the parents, esp. the mother, to teach the kids to respect all human beings irrespective of sex.

It is painful to still see the vestiges of the bad custom of treating male children better than female children. Even among siblings the superiority of the male child still exists. This has to be relentlessly eradicated.
100% true...

Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam View Post
When desperate seeking counseling can be more helpful, esp. in the present nuclear family scenario. In the good old days elders in the joint family acted as buffers and forestalled big storms. Their wise and kind counsel came a long way in maintaining domestic peace and decorum.
yea, though the husbands and wives may still fight but any "dire" consequences are avoided with elders in the house....but sometimes, the fights start because of parents only - but thats a price one can pay to avoid violence etc....

Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam View Post
One thing that the men must understand is that it is not at all difficult to please women. Woman is not at all a greedy wretch. Her expectations/desires are unbelievably simple! The popular belief that men must spend heaps of money on diamonds to please women is utterly untrue. Just a pat on the back, a peck on the cheek, a kind look, one word of appreciation – these will make her your willing slave.

Be generous – forgive and forget. No one is flawless. Practically no good comes out of harping on old hurts and grudges. Bury the past’s grievances and welcome each day as a new, fresh page in the novel of marital bliss.
ellam correct dhaan ma'm, but these lunatics who indulge in domestic violence - will they even try to understand such noble concepts?

excellent, clear thoughts and though provoking writing ma'm