Story: The Dark Ones

Topic started by Joe Pilgrim (@ on Fri Dec 12 07:29:13 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Once upon a time no more when justice fell with the Nobel mans sword.
There stood a castle, tall, dark, not so broad
Wide was the rule of this dark lord,.From Emperial seats of pious power to the lowest serf his teariny was known to be unclean, renounced, yet still obeyed.
The powers that met, were crushed by this eternal flame. Burning, burning crumbling all that stand in ones dark shadow. But those who peer in to this tale will realise the flame still burns, burns...
By his hand an inferno spread laying wast to the land it's honor and all it once knew as honor... The fields would go unsown, beasts would suckel no more as bull cow and calf were turned to dust.
He observed these occourencences with great anticipation, for only he knew of the monstrosity that would occour in such a short time. The skys darkened, the wind howled and with that...
A herald Razim'Mux Was known to enter his camp,. Legends say 'The dark Ones tent was carried to hell. There to await a new campain... The herald aproched his stance was far too proud for one of his station,. Illoustrations Imply the herald stood far to close for Men of their day to finde exceptibel in either the camp or cout of a nobelman
With the checkered view in thought. Pictures swirled into a white musk. Scorned by these unprotected sightings. He fell backward, travelling forward to him through time. He flew, slowly gaining speed on his narrowing mind. Until he was eventually enclosed within himself. He was now trapped inside his outer coating.
The herald staired with fixed intent.. The Dreaded Lord matched in same... A battel had insued unseen by thoughs around. Within their two mindes one world Now chashed and rolled from side to side The impresoned becomes warden..
The interlocking minds untangle, cracking from both sides, he turns with thoughts of evil undoings. The clock chimes, it is now they realise its time...
Clang, Brangg, Chrangggg, the toll rolls round,.,The Psyionic spell now broken ,.Two men are met in an uneven compamy,.. The scibes would weep for the soul of that sad Herald on that sad day...
The crashing of the waves had vapourised into the surreal world. Through the cracks it crept, now completely eclipsing the misunderstund figure. Unperturbed by this minor rift in the rotating sphere, he seized the moment. Reaching out, only to be renched back with the sudden movement of his back hand. He flung at the ever changing wall, holding on. The stone crumbled and within seconds he was staring at his adversary's face. Laughing back at him, he was flung into an eternal darkness...
Dr Kill Kill Dec 10, 2003
The End


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