Indian Ingredients...???

Topic started by Francine (@ on Thu Oct 23 14:24:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi Folks,

Many of the ingredient names you are using are unfamiliar to me. I am an American living in New York but I have been to India on business 3 times. I love Indian food, and I know how to cook a number of Indian dishes but many of the names of foods and ingredients you use leave me completely in the dark...! I know what jeera and aloo and brinjal are, but those are the easy ones.

Please if possible in the future give the names of foods in English as well as the Indian names. I don't even know what toor dal is...!

(As there are many Indian neighborhoods here in NYC, I can probably get just about any ingredient you can name, including curry leaves.)



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