Home Remedy for persistent dandruff......

Topic started by Daffodil (@ cache-ntc-ab08.proxy.aol.com) on Wed Feb 4 14:08:22 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hello everyone
"antuvaalada kayi "(so called in kannada) is the best home remedy for even the most stubborn dandruff.I had tried all the supermarket stuff and all the herbal remedies for dandruff, but in vain.Fortunately enough, I found this miraculous remedy and tried it.Now I am completely clear of dandruff .So I wanted to share this little success story with all those who r looking for a "fail-proof dandruff solution" .
Also can anyone tell me what is the english and botanical name for "antuvaalada kayi"?
Ur response will be greatly appreciated.


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