chettinad samayal

Topic started by chakkravarthi.r (@ on Wed Nov 1 11:49:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

vamakam to every body
* today we see how to make chettinad chicken
* first joint the chicken
* broil red chillies ,maze , kalpasi , pepper, saunf, coriyander seeds ,cinnamon, cardoman,cloves.
* then pound it in a mortar.
* grate coconut broil it make a powder
* broil kuskus make to a powder.
* heat oil in kadai, add chopped onions,saute then add gg paste, saute till raw floavour goes off.
* then add tomatoes , add chicken saute till raw flavour goes offf,add pound masala,
*cook fro 10 min, then add coconut /&kuskus pwd.
*when cooked garnish with fried curry leaves & julinnes of ginger.
*erve with any rice preparation.


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