Sister Death by D M Dolben (listen online)

Topic started by jim clark london england (@ on Mon Apr 12 06:08:09 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Digby Mackworth Dolben (what a wonderful name!) was born in the channel Island of Guernsey and was educated at Eton,where he became a friend of Robert Bridges 1844 - 1930 ( poet who was made poet laureate in 1913) a distant cousin ...He had strong leanings to Catholicism and on occasions dressed in the habit of a Benedictine monk....his untimely death occured whilst swimming in a river in Northamptonshire...This unforgetable beautiful poem almost protheticaly is surely a cry for release from suffering....And heres the link to the page with the sound file...


Jim Clark
All rights are reserved on this sound recording/copyright/patent Jim Clark 2003

PS..Dont forget you can if you prefer listen to my sound poems at my Yahoo "sound poetry" web group (look in "files") heres that link

Sister Death

My sister Death! I pray thee come to me
Of thy sweet charity,
And be my nurse but for a little while;
I will indeed lie still,
And not detain thee long, when once is spread,
Beneath the yew,my bed:
I will not ask for lillies or for roses;
But when the evening closes,
Just take from any brook a single knot
Of pale forget me not,
And lay them in my hand,until I wake,
For his dear sake;
For should he ever pas and by me stand,
He might understand - )
Then heal the passion and the fever
With one cool kiss, for ever.


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