Topic started by WC (@ on Thu Jul 24 10:28:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hey Jibzzz... here's the Pattalam audio review as promised.

I feel ur prediction, might turn out to be right regarding the Pattalam songs. After the humdrum numbers in CID, Vidyasagar is back in form with the Pattalam songs, of which atleast two would be chartbusters in the recent future. :-)

Pattalam has a total of seven numbers of which one is the theme music. The album starts off with a brilliant number, Aaroraal, sung melodiously by KJY and Sujatha. It is slow paced, and has some brilliant instrumentation, and is one of those numbers that grows on u, the more u hear it. I guess its to be picturised on Mammootty and Tessa. The song is repeated on the flipside, this time rendered as a solo by Sujatha. I like the duet better anyday. We then have BijuNarayanan, VidhuPrathap & RadhikaTilak singing a fast paced number "Vennakkallin" which is the worst song of the lot. Nothing new abt it, and quite an awful orchestration too. Kalyani and Chorus then come in with a bang in the fun song, "DingiriPattalam". This wud be a HUGE hit with the masses, and the singer has infused a life into it thats quite refreshing. A chartbusting number for sure, this! Jayachandran and Sujatha come up with "Aalilakkaavile" which sounded to me a slower version of "Chingamaasam vannu chernnal", but nevertheless sounded pleasing to the ears. "Anthimaanam" is a duet by BijuNarayanan & Preetha, (likely to be pictrised on BijuMenon & Jyothirmayi) thats another great number which wud undoubtedly remain on the top of the charts for a long time. And finally we have a devotional song "PampaGanapthi" by MGS, thats quite unique in its rendering, as well as in its soulful tune.
In short Pattalam audio shud make a decent profit for Satyam Audios. And we shud be glad to see that VidyaSagar is back in form once again!



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